Welcome to YENCO.COM

I founded YENCO.COM on July 1, 1999 to design, develop and deliver easy-to-use quality Mac software to help people manage their information with products like Archive to keep track of files on removable devices; Finance to keep track of bank accounts; and iKeeper to keep track of internet passwords and product registrations. On July 1, 2009, I reached a major milestone with the release of a complete rewrite of all YENCO.COM applications built on top of a common code base with a new framework project. December 2011 brought another major change with all new YENCO.COM products being made available exclusively through the Mac App Store. In July 2022 I started another major transition with my macOS app releases shifting away from SuperCard with complete rewrites created in Xcode with SwiftUI and adding support for iOS and iPadOS (when applicable). In September 2023 I added a new section to showcase my instrumental pop music.

I have strived to make YENCO.COM environmentally friendly with everything from 100% online delivery of apps and music (meaning zero manufacturing, packaging, or transportation impact), to using my own apps to reduce my need to keep track of stuff on paper and using other apps such as the Notes app with an Apple Pencil to virtually eliminate all paper from my app development and music workflow. To running entirely on Apple products which outperform the strictest global energy efficiency standards. To carefully considering the end-of-life of the products I use, the materials they are made from, and the harmful chemicals they are free of. To saving electricity in my workspace with four independly controlled lighting zones using efficient LED lighting products. As of winter 2023, YENCO.COM has gone solar.

Your privacy is important to me. All of my new SwiftUI-based macOS, iOS, and iPadOS apps provide a link to the feedback form on this website. The only requirement is your feedback, a name, and an email address so I can followup with you if necessary. Your feedback is only saved until the matter is resolved and your contact info is never shared with anyone else.

Through the years, this site and my products (and how I create and provide them) have dramatically changed, but one thing has remained the same: my commitment to deliver the best apps and music that I can.

Mike Yenco


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